Is your Business located in a retail space within Oro Valley limits?
The General Business License is for applicants operating a business from a retail space within Oro Valley limits.
Is your Business located outside of Oro Valley limits?
The General Business License is for applicants operating a business outside of Oro Valley who do business inside Oro Valley limits.
Is your Business located in an Oro Valley home?
The Home Occupation License is for residents who operate a business from a private home. The Town's Zoning Code allows residents to use their homes as their place of business however there are standards in the code to ensure business activities are compatible with the residential character of the neighborhood.
Are you a vendor selling goods or merchandise for profit on a infrequent basis at events?
The Public Market (Participant) License is for applicants who take part in events that bring people together to sell goods or merchandise for profit. If the applicants business address is an Oro Valley residence, complete a Home Occupation License Application
Are you looking to Peddle, Solicit, act as a Transient Merchant, Canvass or Demonstrate in the Town of Oro Valley?
The Solicitor's License Application(PDF, 162KB) is for any person or entity who travel to ask for, sell, or conduct business. The applicant is also required to get an Oro Valley Business License. lease download the application and email to or deliver to the CED Department; 11000 North La Cañada Drive, Oro Valley, Arizona 85737 for processing.
The Realtor License / Solicitation Application(PDF, 120KB) is for any realtor looking to solicit, peddle, canvass or demonstrate in the Town of Oro Valley. Please download the application and email to or deliver to the CED Department; 11000 North La Cañada Drive, Oro Valley, Arizona 85737 for processing.
Are you a Nonprofit Organization, Society, Association, Corporation or other entity desiring to solicit?
The Charitable, Religious, or Educational Solicitors Application(PDF, 97KB) is for organizations who qualify as tax exempt under federal or state income tax laws. Please download the application and email to or deliver to the CED Department; 11000 North La Cañada Drive, Oro Valley, Arizona 85737 for processing.