Business License Information

Apply for a Business License

Business License Required
The Town of Oro Valley requires that all persons who conduct or carry on any business within its boundaries must first obtain a license. (Town Code Article 8-2-2).  

What Type of License Do I Need?

Is your Business located in a retail space within Oro Valley limits?

The General Business License is for applicants operating a business from a retail space within Oro Valley limits.

Is your Business located outside of Oro Valley limits?

The General Business License is for applicants operating a business outside of Oro Valley who do business inside Oro Valley limits.

Is your Business located in an Oro Valley home?

The Home Occupation License is for residents who operate a business from a private home. The Town's Zoning Code allows residents to use their homes as their place of business however there are standards in the code to ensure business activities are compatible with the residential character of the neighborhood.

Are you a vendor selling goods or merchandise for profit on a infrequent basis at events?

The Public Market (Participant) License is for applicants who take part in events that bring people together to sell goods or merchandise for profit. If the applicants business address is an Oro Valley residence, complete a Home Occupation License Application

Are you looking to Peddle, Solicit, act as a Transient Merchant, Canvass or Demonstrate in the Town of Oro Valley?

The Solicitor's License Application(PDF, 162KB) is for any person or entity who travel to ask for, sell, or conduct business. The applicant is also required to get an Oro Valley Business License. lease download the application and email to or deliver to the CED Department; 11000 North La Cañada Drive, Oro Valley, Arizona 85737 for processing.

The Realtor License / Solicitation Application(PDF, 120KB) is for any realtor looking to solicit, peddle, canvass or demonstrate in the Town of Oro Valley. Please download the application and email to or deliver to the CED Department; 11000 North La Cañada Drive, Oro Valley, Arizona 85737 for processing.

Are you a Nonprofit Organization, Society, Association, Corporation or other entity desiring to solicit?

The Charitable, Religious, or Educational Solicitors Application(PDF, 97KB) is for organizations who qualify as tax exempt under federal or state income tax laws. Please download the application and email to or deliver to the CED Department; 11000 North La Cañada Drive, Oro Valley, Arizona 85737 for processing.


Business License Fees

The annual General Business License and Home Occupation License fee is $80.00 and is based on a calendar year. Fees are prorated monthly.

 January   February    March    April   May  June 
$80.00  $73.33 $66.67 $60.00 $53.33 $46.67
 July August September   October   November   December 
 $40.00 $33.33 $26.67 $20.00 $13.33 $6.67


The annual Public Market License fee is $20.00 and is based on a calendar year. Public Market License fess are not prorated.


Special Event Vendors

This information is guidance for vendors participating in special events such as SAACA Festivals, Jewells Fine Art Festivals, Farmers Market, etc.

A SmartGov account is required to obtain a Special Event Vendor License. Consult the Special Event Vendor descriptions below to select the appropriate vendor type in the SmartGov portal.

General Business License: For the vendor whose business is located outside Oro Valley or who has a store front located in Oro Valley. This license is NOT for Oro Valley home based businesses. The vendor utilizing the General Business License would be operating their business on a full time or frequent basis in Oro Valley (this would include Oro Valley store fronts). This license also allows vendors to participate in special events. 

Example: XY food delivery service has a store front in Tucson. They want to participate in a special event as a food vendor, however their business also delivers food to various Oro Valley businesses several times a week. The General Business License would allow them to operate their food delivery service on a weekly basis and participate in special events.  

Public Market License - Participant: For the vendor whose sole purpose is to be brought together by a central organizing body at a single event or periodically for the purpose of selling goods or merchandise for profit. This license is NOT for businesses operating on a full time or frequent basis in Oro Valley and this license is NOT for home based businesses with an Oro Valley address.

Example: XY jewelry sales is a home based jewelry making business with a Tucson address who would like to attend a couple of special events being held in Oro Valley to sell their jewelry. The Public Market License would allow them to sell their jewelry at Oro Valley special events.

Home Occupation License: For the vendor who has a home based business and whose residence is located in Oro Valley. This license is NOT for Oro Valley store fronts or businesses located outside of Oro Valley.

Example: XY jewelry sales wants to attend a couple of special events being held in Oro Valley to sell their jewelry. They are a home based business whose residence is located in Oro Valley. The Home Occupation License would allow them to participate at special events, operate their business via web sales, host jewelry parties, etc.


Business Taxes

Oro Valley has a 2.5% retail sales tax and a 4% construction sales tax in addition to the 6.1% sales tax collected by the State of Arizona and Pima County.  For clarification on sales tax only, please call Wendy Gomez in our Finance Department at 229-4733.   Sales tax update forms to add Oro Valley to your Arizona Department of Revenue tax reports are available at the Clerk's Office, and sales tax applications are available online by clicking here.

Further questions related to State Sales Tax may be directed to the Arizona Department of Revenue at (800) 843-7196 or you may visit their website at


Business License FAQ's

  • I am an Oro Valley resident who operates a business but I don't have a physical location for my business, do I need a Business License?
    Yes, you would need a Home Occupation Business License as your home would be your primary place of business. 
  • I would like to participate in various events with my mobile food truck, do I need a Business License?
    Yes, where the mobile unit is based whether inside Oro Valley or outside of Oro Valley, will determine the applicable Business License application.
  • I am a Realtor. What type of Business License do I need to conduct business in Oro Valley?
    Yes, if the Realtor and their Brokerage Firm can provide a copy of an active Business License from an Arizona municipality, then an Oro Valley Business License is not required. If the primary place of business is located in Oro Valley and the Brokerage Firm does not have an active Business License in another Arizona municipality, the Brokerage Firm will need to obtain an Oro Valley Business License to conduct business in Oro Valley.
  • I am a Realtor and would like to solicit business in Oro Valley. Do I need an Oro Valley Business License?
    Yes, the Realtor shall provide a copy of their Arizona Real Estate License and a copy of an active Business License for their Brokerage Firm from a municipality in Arizona. If the primary place of business is located in Oro Valley and the Brokerage Firm does not have an active Business License in another Arizona municipality, the Brokerage Firm will need to obtain an Oro Valley Business License to conduct business in Oro Valley. In addition, the Realtor License/Solicitation Application(PDF, 120KB) must be submitted. 
  • I closed my Business License account and now I need a Business License again. What should I do?
    You will need to complete the applicable Business License application and submit the completed application with the applicable fees and documents. 
  • How do I register my business as a LLC or Corporation in Arizona?
    You can register your LLC or Corporation by visiting the Arizona Corporation Commission at
  • What is a Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) license?
    Although commonly referred to as a sales tax, the Arizona transaction privilege tax (TPT) is actually a tax on a vendor for the privilege of doing business in the state
  • How do I know if I need a TPT license?
    For a list of businesses and activities that are subject to TPT and must be licensed see the Arizona Department of Revenue at
  • Does Oro Valley have a sales tax?
    The Arizona Department of Revenue collects the tax for the counties and cities; however, tax rates vary depending on the type of business activity, the city and the county.
  • How do I get an Arizona Transaction Privilege Tax license?
    You can apply for your TPT license at
  • When can I expect to receive my Business License? 
    Please allow 3-5 business days for us to process your Business License. 




Business License Renewal

The Town of Oro Valley now uses SmartGov for business licenses. The first time you use this system, it will be necessary to re-register your account to use the online portal.

It’s easy to set up your account. Just follow these instructions:

• Go to:

• Click on the “Sign Up” button on the top right side of the screen

• Enter your Email address and create a password

• Contact Community and Economic Development (CED) for your Access Code, enter it and click "Next"

• Provide all information requested and click “Save”

• Verify your email address

• Now you can log into your Portal account and Pay Online

Please note: If your business has more than one business account with the Town of Oro Valley, you may link all your business accounts to your SmartGov Portal. Please be sure to update your information on the Business License Renewal Notice form and return to CED. 

To obtain further information regarding Business Licenses, contact the CED Department at  (520) 229-4800 or view Town Code Chapter 8 Business Regulations and view Town Zoning Code Section 25.2C