Emergency Management


The Town of Oro Valley’s emergency management office oversees the framework for community preparation and response to all hazards, natural or manmade. To put it simply, If there’s an emergency situation, we’re here to support first responders, notify the public, help the community get through it and restore operations when it’s over. Emergency management coordinates government, non-government organizations, the private sector, and the public to promote a safer and more resilient community.

Make a Plan

Talk to your friends and family about how you will communicate before, during and after a disaster. 

·       Put a plan together that will prepare your family/household members.

·       Make a plan that includes the specific needs of your family/household. 

·       Practice your plan so that everyone knows what to do in the event of an emergency. 

Visit www.ready.gov/plan to learn more.


Build a Kit

Gather supplies that will last for several days after a disaster for everyone living in your home. Don’t forget to consider the unique needs each person or pet may have in case you have to evacuate quickly. 

Here are a few examples of key items for your kit:  

·       Water (one gallon per person per day)

·       Nonperishable food and a manual can opener  

·       Battery powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA weather radio

·       Flashlight

·       First aid kit

·       Batteries

·       Whistle

·       Cash, in small bills

·       Toiletries and personal hygiene items

·       Non-prescription medications such as pain relievers 

·       Basic household supplies – cleaning, disinfectants, toilet paper, hand sanitizer

·       Back-up medical equipment

·       Prescription medications

·       Activities for small children 

·       Pet food and extra water for your pet

Everyone in your family/household should also have a “Go Bag” or “Go Kit” which is a collection of things you would want if you have to leaver in a hurry. Your Go Bag should be sturdy and easy to carry like a backpack or a small suitcase on wheels. Customize your Go Bag for your needs. Start with the five P’s: people and pet supplies; prescriptions; papers; personal needs; and priceless items.

Visit www.ready.gov/kit to learn more. 


Prepare for Disasters

Disaster don’t wait. Be ready for disasters so that you are able to limit the impacts on you and your family. Know the risks of disasters in your area, check your insurance coverage, and know what to do if you receive an emergency notification or alert.

·       Alerts and Notifications. Sign up for alerts and notifications about time-sensitive general and emergency information such as potential hazards, evacuations, etc. Oro Valley residents should sign up for the Town’s CodeRED emergency notifications. Pima County residents should sign up for the county’s Everbridge notification system

·       Evacuation. Emergencies may require that you evacuate. In some cases, you may have a day or two to prepare, while other situations might call for an immediate evacuation. Within the state of Arizona the evacuation program is based on “Ready, Set, Go.” Click here for more information. 

READY – Prepare Now

Prepare for the hazards that can threaten your community

·       Opt in for your local/county emergency notification system

·       Know the hazards in your area and be prepared for them

·       Make a plan

·       Build a go kit.  Start with the five P’s: people and pet supplies; prescriptions; papers; personal needs; and priceless items

·       Check with your family and household members and ensure they are READY

·       Keep up to date on local news, weather watches and warnings 

SET – Be Alert

There is significant danger to your area

·       Residents should consider voluntarily relocating to a hotel, family/friends or shelter outside of the affected area

·       Grab your go kit – keep in mind unique needs of family/household 

This might be the only notice you receive. Emergency services cannot guarantee they will be able to notify everyone if conditions rapidly deteriorate.  Be SET to GO.

GO – Evacuate

Danger in your area is current and life-threatening

·       Residents should evacuate immediately to a hotel, family/friends, or shelter outside of the affected area

·       If you choose to ignore this advisement, you must understand emergency services may not be able to assist you further

·       Follow instructions from emergency personnel, stay on designated evacuation routes, and avoid closed areas.