Town Clerk

For August 2, 2022 Primary Election Official results, click here(PDF, 4MB)

The Town Clerk's Office is responsible for preserving the legislative history of the Town Council, maintaining public records of the Town and conducting fair and impartial elections.  Functions of the Clerk's Office are performed in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes, Oro Valley Town Code and the Administrative Policies and Objectives of the Town.

Meetings, Agendas and Minutes (View/listen to meetings; register to speak virtually at Public Hearings)

 Town and Zoning Codes

Notice of Intent To Impose or Increase Fees or Taxes

Apply for a Board or Commission   Submit a Public Records RequestSubmit a Request for Police Records     Register to speak virtually at Public Hearings Town Election Information




 Oro Valley Boards and Commissions create an opportunity for residents to be active in Town Government. Appointed members serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and Town Council. Applicants must be an Oro Valley resident to apply.

The Oro Valley Mayor and Town Council hold their regularly scheduled meetings on the first and third Wednesday of every month, starting at 6:00 pm. Meetings are held in the Oro Valley Council Chambers, 11,000 N. La Cañada Drive, Oro Valley, Arizona.

Types of Council Meetings
All Council meetings are open to the public except Executive Sessions.  No final legislative action can be taken except in a regular or special session. Types of Council meetings include study sessions, special sessions, regular sessions and executive sessions.  The various types of meetings are described below:

  • Regular Sessions
    Regular Council meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Council Chambers, 11,000 N. La Cañada Drive.
  • Study Sessions
    Study Sessions are scheduled on an as-needed basis beginning at 6:00 p.m.. A study session is a meeting set to discuss issues. No formal action may be taken during a study session, it is for the purpose of information and discussion only. Public input is usually not taken at a study session as the meeting is for informational purposes only and no formal action is taken.
  • Special Sessions
    A special Council meeting is called for a specific purpose and is called by the Mayor or a majority of the Council members.  Formal action may be taken during a special session. Public hearings may be scheduled during a special session.
  • Public Hearing
    Members of the public have the right to speak during any posted "public hearing." However, public comment on any agenda item may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. Comments on issues not on the Council agenda can be made under "Call to the Audience", which occurs at the beginning and near the end of the meeting.
  • Executive Sessions
    An Executive Session is a closed meeting called upon by the Council for the purpose of considering certain limited matters such as, legal advice, pending litigation, property acquisition, personnel matters, etc., pursuant to ARS Sec. 38-431.03.

Search our Laserfiche Document Center for Archived Legislative Documents Including:

Meeting Minutes
Election Documents
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Recently updated or modified documents are listed below

Notice of Claim Against the Town of Oro Valley.(PDF, 379KB)

Liquor License Application Kits can be obtained from the Arizona Department of Liquor License and Control (AZDLLC). The AZDLLC website provides the most up to date forms, information on the various License Application Kits, Frequently Asked Questions, and the steps and time-frames of the approval process.

The Spirituous Liquor Permit for Steam Pump Ranch(PDF, 6MB)  with appropriate approval and signatures, entitles the user(s) to consume spirituous liquor as described in Oro Valley Town Code 16-1-4 and A.R.S. 4-244 and consistent with the requirements on the permit application. This permit does not allow the user(s) to sell any spirituous liquor/beer on Town property.


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Public Records Request Contact
Michelle Stine
Deputy Town Clerk