Family Court Awareness Month 2021

Published on October 20, 2021

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WHEREAS, the mission at One Mom’s Battle (OMB) and the Family Court Awareness Month Committee (FCAMC) is to increase awareness on the importance of a family court system that prioritizes child safety and acts in the best interest of children; and

WHEREAS, the mission at the FCAMC is to increase awareness on the importance of education and training on domestic violence, childhood trauma and post separation abuse for all professionals working within the family court system; and

WHEREAS, the mission at the FCAMC is to educate judges and other family court professionals on the empirical data and research that is currently available. Such research is a critical component to making decisions that are truly in the best interest of children. This research includes The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study (CDC-Kaiser Permanente), Saunder’s Study (Us Department of Justice), The Meier Study: Child Custody Outcomes in Cases Involving Abuse Allegations, and the Santa Clara Law Study (Confronting the Challenge of High-Conflict Personality in Family Court); and

WHEREAS, the mission at the FCAMC is fueled by the desire for awareness and change in the family court system.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Joseph C. Winfield, Mayor of the Town of Oro Valley, hereby proclaim November, 2021, as



Dated this 20th day of October, 2021  

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