Stormwater Management

Stormwater quality requirements are mandated by the Federal government in the Clean Water Act. It has been a community’s responsibility to fund the program. 

Stormwater quantity requirements are mandated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

To meet these requirements, the State issues general stormwater permits for municipalities and in turn, the municipalities issue ordinances to adhere to the State requirements. Below are some of the State permits and Town Ordinances required for Stormwater Management.

Contact Stormwater by Email:

Contact Stormwater by Phone: 520-229-4850 option 3.

Monsoon Preparedness       Guidelines to Drain Your Pool & Spa    Report a Spill          Sandbags for Oro Valley Residents    Floodplain InformationPay my Stormwater Bill

Online Services - Pay your Stormwater Bill

Pay my Stormwater bill

What is the Stormwater Utility Fee?

Effective January 1, 2008, the Oro Valley Town Council approved a Stormwater Utility fee applicable to residences, commercial properties and non-profit properties within the Town limits.  The fee is required to address unfunded Federal and State Stormwater requirements, and to ensure that the Town adequately meets the impact and cleanup of Stormwater runoff during and after rainfall events.  Other areas also paid from Stormwater Utility fee funds are street sweeping, drainage channel vegetation maintenance, storm system inspections, public outreach as well as minor construction and repair projects.  

The fee amount is a flat rate of $4.50 per month for residences and a multiple of the flat rate for commercial and non-profit organizations.  Oro Valley Water Utility customers see this fee included and itemized on their monthly water bill.  Tucson Water, Metro Water and Well Water customers will receive a separate quarterly bill of $13.50 in January, April, July and October. Billing is processed in arrears and owner address changes during the billing cycle are prorated. Payments are processed through the Oro Valley Water Utility using several payment options which can be viewed on the Town web site at by entering ‘pay stormwater’ in the search field.   

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Stormwater Utility and why do we need a Stormwater Utility Fee?

In 2002, the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality in response to Environmental Protection Agency mandates required all municipalities of less than 100,000 people to implement programs and practices to meet various storm water quality and quantity standards. Unfortunately the Federal Government did not provide any funding to meet these standards.  This fee will address these federally directed requirements.

What does the fee provide?

The fee will provide both visible and invisible benefits to Town of Oro Valley residents. The visible benefits will include additional street sweeping, vegetation control, culvert maintenance and minor repairs and maintenance after storms.

The less visible benefits include inspections for storm water control devices to ensure their proper operation, development of required storm water regulations and manuals, and studies and designs supporting mandated storm water activities.

Stormwater Utility bill: this is an explanation of what services and programs are paid for from this fee and the options for fee payment.  

Effective January 1, 2008, the Oro Valley Town Council approved a Stormwater Utility fee applicable to residences, commercial properties and non-profit properties within the Town limits.  The fee is required to address unfunded Federal and State Stormwater requirements, and to ensure that the Town adequately meets the impact and cleanup of Stormwater runoff during and after rainfall events.  Other areas also paid from Stormwater Utility fee funds are street sweeping, drainage channel vegetation maintenance, storm system inspections, public outreach as well as minor construction and repair projects.  

The fee amount is a flat rate of $4.50 per month for residences and a multiple of the flat rate for commercial and non-profit organizations.  Oro Valley Water Utility customers see this fee included and itemized on their monthly water bill.  Tucson Water, Metro Water and Well Water customers will receive a separate quarterly bill of $13.50 in January, April, July and October. Billing is processed in arrears and owner address changes during the billing cycle are prorated. Payments are processed through the Oro Valley Water Utility using several payment options which can be viewed on the Town web site at by entering ‘pay stormwater’ in the search field.   

What can our residents do to help improve stormwater quality?

On a routine basis, think about your actions, whether it is at home or at work, and what impact they may have on the environment and stormwater quality.  It has been shown that urbanization increases the variety and amount of contaminants carried into streams and washes.  The contaminants include:

a.  Sediment,
b.  Oil, grease, and toxic fluids from motor vehicles,
c.  Pesticides and nutrients from lawns and gardens,
d.  Viruses, bacteria, and nutrients from pet wastes and failing septic systems,
e. Trace metals and toxic organic compounds from roof shingles, motor vehicles, and improper handling and disposal of paints and household cleaning compounds, and
f.  Toxicological and physical affects of debris and waste material generated both residentially and commercially.   You can help to lessen the likelihood of contaminants entering stormwater runoff simply by thinking about and conducting your day-to-day activities in an environmentally friendly manner. 

Education and Outreach

Monsoon Preparedness Guide(PDF, 200KB)

Spa and Pool Drainage Requirements(PDF, 2MB)

Information for Contractors & Developers(PDF, 195KB)

Automotive Maintenance & Car Care(PDF, 205KB)

The Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination (IDDE) Program is intended to ensure the health, safety, and general welfare of citizens, and the environment by protecting and enhancing the stormwater quality discharged through watercourses within the Town of Oro Valley.

For examples of illicit discharges, view the educational YouTube video below on "Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination: A Grate Concern.



Town of Oro Valley Stormwater Management Program

2021-2026 Town of Oro Valley Stormwater Management Program (Updated per Arizona small MS4 permit AZG2021-002)

The Town of Oro Valley's (Town) Stormwater Management Program and Annual Report to ADEQ identify Minimum Control Measures (MCM’s) used to manage and control quality of stormwater runoff from the MS4.

The Town manages stormwater quality in accordance with the Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) Permit AZG2021-002 that authorizes the discharge of stormwater from the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) to receiving waters, including Waters of the United States (WOTUS). The MS4 generally consists of roads, storm drains, and infrastructure carrying runoff into drainage ways or ephemeral stream channels. The Town has a Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) that describes the control measures it uses to manage the quality of discharges from the MS4. These Best Management Practices (BMPs) are:

MCM-1. Public Education and Outreach

MCM-2. Public Participation and Involvement

MCM-3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination

MCM-4. Construction Site Runoff Control

MCM-5. Post-Construction Runoff Control

MCM-6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations

The Town’s Stormwater Management Program describes specific practices it uses to achieve compliance with Part 6.4 of the AZPDES Permit related to Minimum Control Measures, including specific implementation dates and frequencies, measurable goals, and responsible departments.

Stormwater Management Program
2021 Stormwater Management Program(PDF, 8MB)


Stormwater Management Documents