Report a Traffic Complaint

If you have observed reoccurring issues with speeding, distracted driving or other unsafe driving behavior submit a driving complaint. For a driving complaint to be assigned to an officer, the exact location, time frame and type of issue observed are required. If you would like to receive follow-up contact you must provide your name, phone number or email address. 

If you are actively observing any unsafe driving behavior, safely call 911.




Step 1.Fill out Traffic Complaint Form

Report a Traffic Complaint

Step 2.If you provide an email address, you will receive confirmation that your complaint was successfully submitted.

Step 3.The Traffic Sergeant then receives the submitted form.

The complaint is placed into a database and assigned to an officer for follow-up.

Step 4.Officer Follow-Up

  • The officer will observe the location during the time frame indicated on the complaint.
  • Due to the nature of emergency calls it may take more than one attempt for the assigned officer to complete observation of the complaint area.

Step 5.Resident Follow-Up

If you request follow-up contact, the Traffic Sergeant will do so once officer observations are completed.

Thank you for helping keep Oro Valley safe!

By Phone

You may also call in your traffic complaint to the hotline at 520-229-4933, or call 911 if it's an emergency.

If you choose to call the traffic complaint hotline please make sure to include the following information:

  • location of problem (street name)
  • primary time/days it is occurring
  • nature of the problem (i.e speeding, parking issues, disregarding traffic control signs, etc.)
  • any additional details about the problem you observed

While you can provide this information anonymously, you will only receive follow-up if you request it AND provide a telephone number you can be reached.