Permit Search and Plan Review Status

The Customer Portal will be the tool for Oro Valley developers, contractors, business owners and residents to use for tracking development projects and applying for building permits and business licenses.

SmartGov demonstration video:Tutorial

The Customer Portal is located hereCustomer Portal

Assistance with permit applications or inspection issues is available at 520-229-4800.

Permit and Plan Review Search

How to get started with our new online Customer Portal permit, project and license management system.

Your organization will be required to create an online portal account prior to submitting new applications, making payments, scheduling inspections, etc. 

Customers, without existing permits or applications, may proceed to the customer portal and create your new account.

Customers with existing permits or projects should obtain your company's ACCESS CODE. The access code will link your account to your existing application(s) and active permit(s).  It is recommended that your organization have one shared access code so that all your active applications/permits are linked together and readily accessible.