Census Results

Every 10 years, the United States counts everyone who lives in the country, regardless of age, nationality or ability.

The Census profile for Oro Valley provides a snapshot of the most current data. It is available here: Oro Valley town; Arizona - Census Bureau Profile

This webpage provides current information that may be of great interest to Oro Valley residents.

Who is Oro Valley?

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Oro Valley is growing. The Town’s population increased by 14.8% between 2010 and 2020. For context, Pima County grew 6.4% during the same time. Oro Valley represents 4% of the region’s population.

Race and Ethnicity

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The Town’s population growth was driven mainly by increases in racial and ethnic minority groups.

Age distribution

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The median age in Oro Valley is 55.4. However, 42% of OV residents are between the ages of 25-64.


  • Median Income: $92,548
  • Poverty Rate: 6.7%

Source: 2021 – ACS 5-year estimates

In comparison to the region, Oro Valley has one of the highest median household incomes. Families in Oro Valley have a median income of $92,548, whereas non-family households have a median income of $57,024.

However, 6.7% are below the poverty status. Most of which are children under 18 years old.  

More information about how the Census measures poverty can be found here: https://www.census.gov/topics/income-poverty/poverty/guidance/poverty-measures.html

Educational Attainment

Over half (56%) of Oro Valley residents’ 25 and over have bachelor’s degree or higher. Educational attainment is a key factor employers use to understand a place’s workforce. 


Where do Oro Valley residents work? 

  • Civilian employed population 16 and over: 17,245
  • Employment rate: 46%
  • Commute time to work: 27 minutes

Source: 2021 – ACS 5-year estimates

Most Oro Valley residents are employed by private companies with an average commute time of 27 minutes.

Where do Oro Valley residents live?

Total Housing Units – 23,303

  • Total occupied housing units – 20,791
    • Owner occupied units: 15,898, 76%. Of the owner occupied units, 9,892 have a mortgage/loan and 6,006 are owned free and clear.
    • Renter occupied units: 4,893; 24%
  • Other occupancy characteristics:
    • 10,822 homes have people over 65 with 3,340 living alone – most of which are women.
    • 453 people live in group quarters – 407 of those people are in nursing home facilities (memory care, etc.)
    • 419 households have 3 or more generations living together.
  • Total vacant housing units – 2,512. Of the vacant housing units, 43% are vacant because they are used for seasonal or occasional use.

    Source: U.S. Census 2020

  • Median Home Value: $348,200
  • Median Mortgage (in dollars): $1,998
  • Median Rent (in dollars): $1,352

Source: 2021 – ACS 5-year estimates