What is Annexation?
Annexation is the process by which a city or town extends and increases its corporate limits. The process is closely governed by Arizona State law (A.R.S. § 9-471).
The Town of Oro Valley has received many awards/accolades, including:
If you have questions regarding the annexation process or if you are interested in annexation of your property, please contact: Karl Shaddock, Management Analyst at 520-229-4713 or kshaddock@orovalleyaz.gov.
Benefits of Annexation:
For a proposed annexation to be successful more than 50% of property owners in a proposed annexation area, representing more than 50% of the assessed valuation of that area, must sign a petition in favor of annexation. All property owners within an annexation area are notified of public hearings for the proposed annexation by mail, advertisement in the newspaper and posting of notices within the area to be annexed. This enables each property owner within the area to have a fair say in the annexation process.
The annexation statute provides that completed petitions must be filed with the county recorder within one year after the last day of the thirty day waiting period. If you miss this deadline and the city or town still wishes to annex the property, the entire process must begin again with the filing of the blank petition and map with the county.