Public Safety Cadets Unit 6873


If you're thinking about a career in law enforcement or are interested in what police officers do, Public Safety Cadets can help! Many young men and women in your area are having the same thoughts. That's why they've joined the Oro Valley Police Cadets.



Cadet Eligibility

Anyone from 14 years old and completed the 8th grade to 20 years old is eligible to join.  Cadets must maintain at least a C average.

Cadets meet the first 3 Mondays of the month at the Oro Valley Police Department from 5:00 - 7:30 p.m. Cadets do not meet on holidays or during school breaks.

What are the Cadets?

The Public Safety Cadets Program consists of young men and women, ages 14 to 20, who are interested in a career in law enforcement. The program is designed to provide positive role models to our youth and promote responsible decision making. Police Officers are the Cadet Mentors and assist in weekly instruction and training. Cadets dedicate themselves to community service and help the Community Resources Unit during special events such as Arizona Distance Classic, the Town’s Fourth of July Celebration and other town sponsored events. Cadets are active with Color Guard, provide campus patrols during football games and assist with traffic control during graduations.

Most people don't start learning their jobs until the day they start work. Cadets have them beat by a mile. By the time Cadets are ready to begin their careers, they know what they're into -- and they know they like it.

Cadet Activities

Cadets do a variety of things, such as:

Citizen Academy Traffic control
Teen Academy Ride-alongs
Sports Teams Helping the community
Cadet Competitions Other fun and interesting events


What Cadets Learn

Cadets learn the facts behind the laws, from those who know the law.  They are in on the chief methods of crime detection -- from fingerprinting to canine units. Cadets see the legal process firsthand.  They discover the roles played within the Police Department:

Police procedures Major crimes All aspects of law enforcement
Police crime labs Communications center Police headquarters
Narcotics law Juvenile law Traffic and crowd control
First-Aid Self-Defense CPR


The Benefits of Cadet Training

They apply what they learn to help their communities. They work traffic control, along with police officers, at many municipal events. They find and serve the needs of their neighborhoods and cities.

Being a part of the Cadet unit is many things -- a chance to meet, a chance to do, a chance to learn. It is good fun for everyone.

How to Join

To join, please contact Lead Officer Joe Cantu at (520) 954-0629 or visit the Cadet's Facebook page for more information.