Apply for Youth Scholarship Funds

The Town of Oro Valley has a scholarship fund to make recreation programs and activities more accessible to Oro Valley youth in financially constrained households. The scholarship program is made possible through donations from individuals who participate in either Oro Valley Water Utility's Round-Up program and by lump sum donations. Fundraising events sponsored by OV Parks & Recreation also support the scholarship program. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for the Youth Scholarship Fund? 

Residents of Oro Valley youth age 17 and under, or special needs age 21 and under may apply. Approval of the application is made on an individual basis.  Individuals who receive qualified financial assistance are automatically eligible for a scholarship. Those that do not receive any type of assistance will be qualified if they fall below the  HUD income limits using proof of income (check stub or first page of previous year’s tax return).  

Are scholarships available for all Oro Valley Parks & Recreation Department programs? 

Scholarships may be used for the majority of classes and activities listed in Parks & Recreation Online Catalog,  Memberships are not included.  


What type of information is required for the application? 
1. Proof of Oro Valley residency (copy of water, utility, cell/phone bill). 
2. Proof of participation in a qualified financial assistance program, i.e., free or reduced school   program, TANF, SNAP or household income (a recent pay stub from your employer or a copy of the FIRST PAGE of last year’s tax return. 


Is there a maximum scholarship amount that can be given? 

Yes, the Scholarship Program Coordinator will advise you of the maximum approved scholarship amount for your family. 


When should I apply and how long will it take to process my application? 

Please submit your on-line application at least seven business days prior to the class/program start deadline for which you are applying to allow for processing. Once your application and required documents are received, we will contact you to review your application. Placement in your programs of interest is contingent on space and funds available at the time of registration. 


Who will be reviewing my application? 

The Scholarship Program Coordinator will review your application. All information is handled confidentially. 


If my application is approved, where do I register for a class/program? 

All scholarship program recipients must register for their class/program online at 


Do I need to reapply for a scholarship each year? 

Yes. Need for financial assistance is assessed on an annual basis valid for the calendar year. 


How are funds made available for the Youth Scholarship Fund? 

Scholarships are provided on a first come, first serve basis and on the availability of funds. 


May I do anything in return for this assistance? 

Yes! The Oro Valley Parks & Recreation Department encourages both youth and adults to volunteer. Submitting a short note about how you or your family benefited from the scholarship program is appreciated. While we do appreciate your assistance, it is not a requirement for consideration or upon approval of your application. 



Required Documents

Below is a listing of the documents required to support income information and residency status on the application. Both proof of income information AND residency are REQUIRED, to process the application.  

Your application requires documentation. Please upload as a PDF, JPG, GIF or PNG file. 

Forms and supporting documents can also be submitted by scanning and emailing to:


Required and Supporting Documentation Accepted for Scholarship Consideration

Attach copies of the two (2) most recent paycheck stubs from EACH employer for both the applicant and spouse. If you are paid weekly attach copies of the four (4) most recent paystubs. Stub must show gross wages and may not be dated more than 30 days from application date. 
If you are self-employed or own a business, include Schedule C. If you did not file taxes last year, submit an IRS 1722 non-filing status form. To obtain this form, call 1-800-829-1040. Do not press any buttons just stay on the line. (W-2 forms will not be accepted) 
Child Support/Alimony: 
Attach copies of legal guardianship and/or foster care documents. Include proof of marriage or divorce decree, if no longer married, showing alimony and child support. 
Government/Food Stamps/Cash Assistance/Unemployment: 
Attach copies of benefit letter


Required and Supporting Documentation Accepted for Residency Verification

Applicant must show proof of residency along with photo identification. Individuals unable to show some proof of current residency will not be eligible for scholarship funds. Proof of residency may include, but is not limited to: 

  • Town of Oro Valley Water Bill 

  • Home/Cell Phone Bill 

  • Electric Bill 
    NOTE: Utility bills must have the correct name printed on the bill and must be current. 

  • Vehicle Registration: 
    NOTE: Registration must have the correct name, current date, and correct Oro Valley address printed on the front of the vehicle registration. 

  • Arizona state issued ID or driver’s license with Oro Valley address 



Making a Donation Pledge

Donations may be made by participating in the Water Utility’s Round-Up program. When enrolling into the program, water customers will identify the amount and manner of their contribution:

  1. Round-up their monthly bill to the nearest dollar
  2. Defined contribution amount ($1, $3, $5 or $10) to be added to your bill each month
  3. One-time contribution amount to be added to your bill

Pledge Card - PDF(PDF, 1MB) | Online

Lump sum donations are also accepted through the Oro Valley Parks & Recreation office. All donated funds are tax deductible.

To donate a lump sum to the fund: Call (520) 229-5050 or send a check made out to "Town of Oro Valley" to the address below:

Youth Recreation Scholarship Fund
Town of Oro Valley P&R
10555 N. La Cañada Drive
Oro Valley, AZ 85737

For information on donating through your water bill, please contact Oro Valley Water Utility at (520) 229-5000.

Round-Up for Youth Information Card(PDF, 2MB) (PDF, 2MB)

Pledge Cancellation Card - PDF(PDF, 1MB) | Online

Online Application

Step 1.Determine Eligibility

 Review FAQs and requirements in tabs above to determine if you or your family member qualify for scholarship funds

Step 2.Submit Application

Youth Scholarship Application

All Applications must be submitted online. If this is a hardship, applicant can apply in person at the Parks Administration office, by appointment. Call 520-229-5050. This ensures that applications are date and time stamped.  

Step 3.We will be in touch

Upon receiving your application, a Parks and Recreation staff member will reach out to provide you with additional details and instruction. Our administrative staff hours are: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.