Provide the following information for a new pool installation:
Site Plan
Please note that once the pool/spa forms are established, which is prior to gunite application, the nearest property line(s) must be located and clearly marked on the site, typically with staking and string line
It is strictly the responsibility of the property owner and/or the person doing the work to ensure that structures are accurately located according to the approved plans.
Please be aware that Town of Oro Valley inspectors do not verify location of property lines when inspecting construction. Exact property line locations cannot be determined without a land survey conducted by a registered Land Surveyor. If an owner/contractor has any doubt as to the exact location of a property line and associated setbacks, it is their responsibility to obtain a survey prior to construction. Failure to adhere to approved setbacks may require structures to be moved at the owner’s expense.
Pool/Spa Barrier Acknowledgement(PDF, 131KB)
Applications will not be accepted if the Pool/Spa Barrier form is not included with the permit submittal.
Applications will not be accepted if the Pool/Spa Barrier form is not included with the permit submittal
Provide the following information for demolition of an inground spa or pool:
Site plan
What are your plans for the area where the pool is located?
If the pool area, after demolition, IS INTENDED TO SUPPORT ANY STRUCTURE, such as a new building or addition, outbuilding, driveway, patio, deck, ramada or other similar element, then the pool shell is required to be removed in its entirety, disposed offsite at an approved location, and backfilled with approved engineered and compacted fill. A Geotechnical report prepared by a licensed engineer shall be required for this option. This is known as full removal and the hole is filled with gravel and topsoil**.
Removal detail to be included in the permit submittal:
**A Geotechnical report stamped and signed by a licensed engineer clearly outlining recommendations for removal, backfilling, compaction, and final grading of site for sites proposing a complete removal for future new construction.
Information indicating how any pool related electrical and plumbing connections will be safely removed.
Other resources:
Pool draining guidelines
Pool and Spa Code
Draining Your Pool