In the last decade of the ‘90s, Oro Valley’s population more than quadrupled, from 6,670 to 29,700 residents in the 2000 Census.
Town services and holdings were expanded to meet the needs of a larger community. The Oro Valley Police Department moved into new headquarters in 2004. Roads were widened and improved, among them Tangerine, La Canada, and First Avenue across the CDO Wash.
The water utility diversified its sources among groundwater, the Colorado River, and treated wastewater. It purchased another 3,557 acre feet of annual water rights within the Central Arizona Project. To get its first access to “wet” CAP water, Oro Valley began “wheeling” some of that allocation directly to Oro Valley customers. And, during the decade, it commenced deliveries of reclaimed water through the “pink” pipes to golf courses, park spaces, and school turf areas. The diversification reduced pressure on Oro Valley’s groundwater supply.
Oro Valley 2004-2013: A Visual Timeline
Northwest Medical Center Oro Valley, now called Oro Valley Hospital, opened its doors in 2005. A year later, the Golder Ranch Fire District and Rural / Metro Fire agreed to make GRFD the fire and emergency service provider for all of Oro Valley.
In 2006, voters upheld financial incentives for developer Vestar to create Oro Valley Marketplace, and the major center at Tangerine and Oracle rose up in 2008.
Oro Valley purchased historic Steam Pump Ranch in 2008. And the town assumed control of Honeybee Canyon Park from Pima County in 2011.